Thermostat was ready for summer

Sometimes I wonder if the world is playing tricks on me.

I feel like I have more complications in my life than your average bear.

Very simple things wind up being very complicated for me and I’m not sure why I have such terrible karma. Sometimes I honestly believe that it would be best if I just gave up trying and let life take me wherever it was going to. This is especially true when I go out of my way to try to upgrade my life… And to get a lot of downgrades in return. This is what happened last week when my heating, cooling, and air quality control system managed to completely ruin my indoor air temperature by taking creative liberties with my temperature control settings. You see, I had recently decided that it was time to upgrade my thermostat after many years of operating a buggy air temperature control device. The programmable thermostat never really managed my indoor air quality to my standards. I regularly had to reprogram the temperature control settings and it was difficult to utilize the thermostat in the first place. Getting a smart thermostat, I thought, would be an excellent way to improve my indoor air temperature control and decrease my energy bills. Instead, I wound up with a faulty smart thermostat. I realized this last week when my indoor air temperature plummeted to freezing temperatures. Checking the thermostat, I realized that the stupid device had apparently decided it was ready to run a summer temperature control program. All of the settings were changed on the thermostat, without my knowledge. No wonder the air conditioner was running.


Can’t afford furnace repair – coldest winter ever

I was not a very happy camper this morning when I woke up and the air temperature was -10 degrees.

If you have ever walked around in below-zero temperatures, you know how miserable it can be.

Not only is the air, itself, extremely painful… But then add in ice, snow, and wind. Suddenly it becomes a very hazardous environment that you are trying to coexist with. Let me tell you, I am not a big fan of these horrible winter temperatures. However, I am still feeling rather grateful for one reason… My indoor air quality control equipment is working just fine. As you can imagine, when the outdoor climate is as brutally cold as I just described, you absolutely cannot survive without some manner of indoor air temperature control. It is impossible to get through one of these long and hard Winters without advanced heating, cooling, and air quality control equipment in these parts. Even if you have a central heating system, like a forced air furnace or a large boiler, you still have to be on the lookout for heating and cooling problems. The last thing that you want is a heating system breakdown in the middle of winter. I can tell you this for a fact, because two years ago I had to survive winter without a central heating system. My furnace broke down and I did not have the money for a professional heating, cooling, and ventilation repair. I wound up surviving the winter with a series of space heaters set up in my house. Whenever I start to complain about the air temperatures now… I think back to that miserable winter.


Asked for an HVAC technician recommendation – he was her boyfriend

I realized several years ago that I have often made the mistake of assuming other people knew what they were talking about.

  • I have regularly had such little confidence in myself that I have regularly appealed to other humans for their opinions on important matters.

I don’t think that this is the wrong thing to do, but I also don’t think that their advice should be taken as infallible facts. This is something that I finally absorbed after my massive heating, cooling, and air quality control failure last month. Now, for the past several months I have been obsessed with my indoor air temperature control equipment. I could tell that my heating system and air conditioning unit were not running well. For the past season or two, I’ve been waiting for the indoor air temperature control devices to break down on me. I have not been very proactive with the air quality equipment problem because I don’t have a lot of extra cash for a professional temperature control repair. At the same time, I don’t know who to trust as a certified heating, cooling, and ventilation control dealership. So, I decided I would ask a friend. She rapidly recommended a local heating, cooling, and ventilation technician and gave me his professional HVAC worker card. I promptly called the number and the HVAC technician inspected my indoor air temperature control devices. Too bad, he didn’t know how to fix them! When I mentioned the HVAC mishap to my friend, she seemed disappointed. She told me it made her sad that her boyfriend was such a poor heating and cooling technician. Oh.



heating technology

Freezing my butt off – left movie halfway through

When I was younger I used to spend a lot of my money going to the movies.

For one thing, there weren’t many other options in our area.

We did not live in a bustling city where you could walk outside and find something fun to entertain yourself. Instead, we had to drive several towns over to arrive at a movie theater where we could zone out for a few hours with popcorn in hand. Eventually, I realized that I did not like modern movies anymore, however. I felt like all of the big production companies were putting out garbage. It also didn’t help that I had several extremely unfortunate indoor air temperature control experiences at the major movie theaters. It felt like every time I went to see a flick, I needed to bring a heated blanket with me to offset the ridiculous amount of air conditioning that they were pumping into every theater. Somehow, every movie theater decided that their patrons wanted the indoor air temperature to be at roughly 40 degrees. It felt like sitting in a walk-in cooler, rather than enjoying a movie with a commercial air conditioning system churning away in the background. I would always bring several sweatshirts with me to offset the horrendous low air temperature that marked every movie going experience. However, even my extra layers of clothing we’re not enough to overcome the drafty, brutally cold experience of having air conditioning blasted on you for 3 hours straight. The day that I couldn’t feel my fingers and toes sitting in a movie theater was the day that I left that air-conditioned nightmare in the middle of a movie and never went back.

furnace/heater tune-up

HVAC or vacation next year

I think a lot of us are having to make big sacrifices in our modern world.

Everything has changed so rapidly in the last year and it has been very difficult to keep up with all of the alterations to traditional daily living.

I know that working from home has been a big challenge for most of us. Trying to balance our own work with watching our children has been almost impossible. And keeping up with all of our routine bills while taking pay cuts has been a nightmare for many grown adults. Now, coming out of 2020… The outlook still isn’t so great. For instance, my wife and I are currently considering if we even have the option of our usual summer getaway. It looks like we are going to have to choose between using our central heating, cooling, and air quality control system or going on vacation as a family. You see, our central heating and cooling units have been taking a beating lately. Since everyone is always at home, we are always touching the thermostat to adjust our indoor air temperature and air quality. The forced air furnace and air conditioning unit never get a break because people are always in the house, demanding high-quality indoor air from them. When we worked in the offices our HVAC system would power down for 8 hours a day. We saved a lot of money with our energy bills and overall heating and cooling repair appointments when we were busier outside of the house. Now, it’s difficult to plan a single-family get away when we are also bankrupting ourselves with energy bills and professional HVAC expenses on a monthly basis. So the question is… Give up our heating and cooling system or spend some time on the beach next year?


Local business

He can’t leave his radiant heated floors

I am in a bit of an interesting romantic situation at the moment.

What else is new.

I feel like this is the messiest part of my life, no matter how hard I try to be a responsible adult. Right now I am emotionally invested in a man who is absolutely off-limits. Why? Because he is still married. He’s been talking about leaving his wife for as long as I’ve known him… Which has been nearly a decade. Apparently, they are making moves towards the separation now, but there’s something holding him back. His radiant heated floors. He tells me all the time about the amazing little house that he has customized over the past 20 years. One of the things he loves the most is his radiant heated flooring in his custom built bathroom and master bedroom. Apparently, there is nothing like the feeling of toasty warm floors the moment that you wake up everyday. Flinging your feet onto the tile below your bed is a lot more enjoyable when there is hot water passing through pipes that are contained beneath the beautiful flooring. These radiant heated floors have apparently changed his entire outlook on heating, cooling, and air quality control. He says that they are much cleaner and more energy efficient than any forced air furnace or centralized heating system he’s ever seen. Beyond that, the heated floors are extremely nice when you enjoy taking long and hot showers in the cold winter season. He’s not necessarily sticking around for the radiant heated flooring, but he also is reluctant to leave his built-in warming solution for his bad back. Did I mention that this guy is 15 years older than me? Eek.



heating company

Benefits of HVAC tech for friend – his house rules

I’m the sort of person who will become your friend and be in your wedding 25 years later.

I really never give up on my relationships or various friendships in life.

I find them to be the most important part of my entire existence and I will never put them on the back burner. I also think there are a lot of benefits to being closely socially connected. You know that there are a million studies on the psychology of having a good community and support system… They bode well for your long-term health. I also think that having a heating, cooling, and air quality control technician as your best friend is a good route to continued immune system health. I realized this several years ago when my best friend became a professional heating, cooling, and ventilation worker for a well-known heating and cooling repair shop in town. He was constantly talking about upgrading his indoor air handling devices and finding new solutions to improve his air quality. Apparently, he realized that it was important to clean your indoor air through various air filters and air purification devices before anyone in your family was breathing unnecessary airborne pollution and contaminants. That’s when he began upgrading all of his heating, cooling, and air quality control devices. These days, when you go to his house there is a noticeable difference between his indoor air quality and your own. It feels fresh, clean, and comfortable to be breathing his advanced indoor air. I know that he has better access to these air purification systems than the rest of us… So I spend a lot of time at his house.

energy saving tips

Can’t afford AC repair – sleeping in basement

When people complain to me about their lacking financial resources, I understand exactly what they’re saying.

I have been in that boat so many times in my life that I could probably write a book on it.

When you grow up without many financial resources, you wind up living an adult life that is very similar. You do not know how to handle money, you approach your finances with a scarcity mindset, and you do a lot of stupid things that managed to keep you in the poorhouse. For instance, because I grew up in a poor household we never had the money to arrange Professional heating, cooling, or air quality control appointments. I don’t think I ever saw a professional HVAC technician in my childhood. Our forced air furnace and air conditioning units barely worked, but they were the only indoor air handling devices that we had. My parents paid extremely high energy bills to utilize the central heating and cooling system partially because they couldn’t afford the professional HVAC maintenance services that would have made our heating and cooling units more energy efficient. You can see how the cycle of poverty keeps people poor… And breathing poor quality indoor air. I found myself in a similar cycle in my own adulthood because I had no idea that professional HVAC repair services were a necessity in life. Suddenly, my heating and cooling system was breaking down all the time and I couldn’t afford to repair it. This is how I wound up spending an entire summer living in my basement where the indoor air was inherently cooler… Because I didn’t have the money for a freaking air conditioning repair expense. You live and you learn.


electric furnace

Taking heater recommendations – toasty warm please

I really don’t like to make abrupt decisions in life.

  • I am a big fan of chewing on all of my options and trying to make the best selection for myself over time.

I do not like to rush any of my decisions or to jump into situations that I’m not prepared for. This is why I found myself stalled out and living in ice cold indoor air temperatures last month after my heating system failed on me. To be fair, I knew that the old oil furnace was going to be breaking down soon. I had been dealing with unfortunate indoor air quality and high energy bills for quite a while already. I had started the process of considering a new heating system and local heating, cooling, and air quality control repair shops to perform the Professional installation and HVAC upgrade. However, I had not come to a decision with all of my indoor air quality concerns. When my furnace quit on me one afternoon, I knew that it was time to finally make my heating decision. However, I still wasn’t prepared without consulting some friends about their own heating and cooling experiences. I wanted to know what the best style of indoor heating was. Should I go with gas or oil? I could also get an electric heating set up. It was possible to install radiant heated floors if I could find a good deal on professional HVAC installation fees. I had also always wondered about geothermal heat pumps in this area. My head was swimming with potential heating solutions. I consulted my best friends and asked about their experiences with various heating devices. In the end, I got so overwhelmed that I let my HVAC technician choose for me.

Local contractor

Aunt spends visit talking about HVAC

I found this out the difficult way after I went to visit her plus she spent the entire trip talking about her heating, cooling, plus air quality control system which had been recently replaced by her number one indoor air temperature control specialist in town, however she proceeded to give me a full rundown of every indoor air quality control dealership that was located in the county, plus the quality of their heating, cooling, plus ventilation control specialists

I absolutely care about my family plus I try to spend as much time with them as I can; It can be difficult, because we all have severely weird lives. I am unquestionably busy with my professional work plus several members of my family are embarking on their own separate Journeys, then we tried to come together plus celebrate the holidays together whenever we can, but it can be rather strained; This is especially tploy when we haven’t been able to see each other for multiple years in a row; You never know what is going to change with one of your relatives when you haven’t spoken in 5 years… Apparently, my aunt can become severely obsessed with indoor air temperature control in that amount of time. I found this out the difficult way after I went to visit her plus she spent the entire trip talking about her heating, cooling, plus air quality control system which had been recently replaced by her number one indoor air temperature control specialist in town, however she proceeded to give me a full rundown of every indoor air quality control dealership that was located in the county, plus the quality of their heating, cooling, plus ventilation control specialists. Apparently she had unquestionably strong opinions about all of the indoor air handling devices that they had recommended plus their normal replacement, maintenance, plus maintenance fees. She was so frustrated about heating plus cooling systems that we didn’t talk about another single topic! By the time I left her house, I was ready for another 5 years of silence.

air conditioning business