He can’t leave his radiant heated floors

I am in a bit of an interesting romantic situation at the moment.

What else is new.

I feel like this is the messiest part of my life, no matter how hard I try to be a responsible adult. Right now I am emotionally invested in a man who is absolutely off-limits. Why? Because he is still married. He’s been talking about leaving his wife for as long as I’ve known him… Which has been nearly a decade. Apparently, they are making moves towards the separation now, but there’s something holding him back. His radiant heated floors. He tells me all the time about the amazing little house that he has customized over the past 20 years. One of the things he loves the most is his radiant heated flooring in his custom built bathroom and master bedroom. Apparently, there is nothing like the feeling of toasty warm floors the moment that you wake up everyday. Flinging your feet onto the tile below your bed is a lot more enjoyable when there is hot water passing through pipes that are contained beneath the beautiful flooring. These radiant heated floors have apparently changed his entire outlook on heating, cooling, and air quality control. He says that they are much cleaner and more energy efficient than any forced air furnace or centralized heating system he’s ever seen. Beyond that, the heated floors are extremely nice when you enjoy taking long and hot showers in the cold winter season. He’s not necessarily sticking around for the radiant heated flooring, but he also is reluctant to leave his built-in warming solution for his bad back. Did I mention that this guy is 15 years older than me? Eek.



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