HVAC or vacation next year

I think a lot of us are having to make big sacrifices in our modern world.

Everything has changed so rapidly in the last year and it has been very difficult to keep up with all of the alterations to traditional daily living.

I know that working from home has been a big challenge for most of us. Trying to balance our own work with watching our children has been almost impossible. And keeping up with all of our routine bills while taking pay cuts has been a nightmare for many grown adults. Now, coming out of 2020… The outlook still isn’t so great. For instance, my wife and I are currently considering if we even have the option of our usual summer getaway. It looks like we are going to have to choose between using our central heating, cooling, and air quality control system or going on vacation as a family. You see, our central heating and cooling units have been taking a beating lately. Since everyone is always at home, we are always touching the thermostat to adjust our indoor air temperature and air quality. The forced air furnace and air conditioning unit never get a break because people are always in the house, demanding high-quality indoor air from them. When we worked in the offices our HVAC system would power down for 8 hours a day. We saved a lot of money with our energy bills and overall heating and cooling repair appointments when we were busier outside of the house. Now, it’s difficult to plan a single-family get away when we are also bankrupting ourselves with energy bills and professional HVAC expenses on a monthly basis. So the question is… Give up our heating and cooling system or spend some time on the beach next year?


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