Can’t afford AC repair – sleeping in basement

When people complain to me about their lacking financial resources, I understand exactly what they’re saying.

I have been in that boat so many times in my life that I could probably write a book on it.

When you grow up without many financial resources, you wind up living an adult life that is very similar. You do not know how to handle money, you approach your finances with a scarcity mindset, and you do a lot of stupid things that managed to keep you in the poorhouse. For instance, because I grew up in a poor household we never had the money to arrange Professional heating, cooling, or air quality control appointments. I don’t think I ever saw a professional HVAC technician in my childhood. Our forced air furnace and air conditioning units barely worked, but they were the only indoor air handling devices that we had. My parents paid extremely high energy bills to utilize the central heating and cooling system partially because they couldn’t afford the professional HVAC maintenance services that would have made our heating and cooling units more energy efficient. You can see how the cycle of poverty keeps people poor… And breathing poor quality indoor air. I found myself in a similar cycle in my own adulthood because I had no idea that professional HVAC repair services were a necessity in life. Suddenly, my heating and cooling system was breaking down all the time and I couldn’t afford to repair it. This is how I wound up spending an entire summer living in my basement where the indoor air was inherently cooler… Because I didn’t have the money for a freaking air conditioning repair expense. You live and you learn.


electric furnace