Taking heater recommendations – toasty warm please

I really don’t like to make abrupt decisions in life.

  • I am a big fan of chewing on all of my options and trying to make the best selection for myself over time.

I do not like to rush any of my decisions or to jump into situations that I’m not prepared for. This is why I found myself stalled out and living in ice cold indoor air temperatures last month after my heating system failed on me. To be fair, I knew that the old oil furnace was going to be breaking down soon. I had been dealing with unfortunate indoor air quality and high energy bills for quite a while already. I had started the process of considering a new heating system and local heating, cooling, and air quality control repair shops to perform the Professional installation and HVAC upgrade. However, I had not come to a decision with all of my indoor air quality concerns. When my furnace quit on me one afternoon, I knew that it was time to finally make my heating decision. However, I still wasn’t prepared without consulting some friends about their own heating and cooling experiences. I wanted to know what the best style of indoor heating was. Should I go with gas or oil? I could also get an electric heating set up. It was possible to install radiant heated floors if I could find a good deal on professional HVAC installation fees. I had also always wondered about geothermal heat pumps in this area. My head was swimming with potential heating solutions. I consulted my best friends and asked about their experiences with various heating devices. In the end, I got so overwhelmed that I let my HVAC technician choose for me.

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