Deep cleaning of beach house and ducts

How often do you clean your house? I don’t mean like take out the trash and sweep up piles of dirt from the doorway, I mean that real deep-down cleaning that every beach house needs from time to time. If you said you do it more than once a year, I might call you a liar because I don’t suppose anyone from my generation that deep cleans that often. Those who do are usually the ones who hired a maid service, and don’t do any of it themselves. Every year when I do my “large clean” I always swear I will do it more often, however I never do. This year my large clean revealed some major Heating and Air Conditioning concerns that I had not been aware of. Actually it turns out that they were just minor Heating and Air Conditioning concerns, however since they went ignored for so long they turned into major ones. In my case it was a simple matter of the air filter being completely clogged up with dirt, hair, and dander. A dirty air filter is the easier air conditioning problem to fix, unless you forget to do it. When the air filter gets clogged, it slows down the whole system, creates extra stress on the equipment, at which point moisture starts to build up. That moisture not only builds up inside the air conditioning and HVAC duct, causing additional problems, however it also breeds mildew in your home, but now I not only need air conditioning repairs and a new filter, I also need to buy a dehumidifier to dry my locale out!

Portable space heater