Better schedule and HVAC from home

For years, it was such an effort just to get myself to the office.

I’ve never liked working in an office environment.

But since this was my only job since I left college, I didn’t have much choice but to get myself inside the commercial HVAC of the office every day. Being in the office was okay to work in during the summer because the HVAC cooling wasn’t so bad. I still had to have a little fan on my desk. Yet, I was miserable in the winter. The HVAC heating just didn’t cover my section of the office at all. To get through the day, I had to wear layers upon layers of clothes and had a space heater under my desk. So when we all got sent home during the pandemic, I was thrilled. I wasn’t going to miss the poor commercial HVAC but I also wasn’t going to miss other stuff. Particularly I was glad to get out of the drama of office politics. There is always some turmoil about this or that. All I wanted to do was shut up and go to work. Going home to my central air conditioning was a great time. I could schedule my day around meetings and still get my work done. I was happier and the quality of my work was significantly improved. I actually raised my job performance and got more done since I wasn’t being bothered all the time. And of course, residential HVAC in my home is far better than the commercial HVAC of the office. I love my schedule, I love my HVAC and I’ll be staying at home.

gas heater