She caught her sleeve on some loose wire.

When I was an apprentice HVAC tech, they often paired myself and others up with my older sibling Jen.

Jen worked at the HVAC supplier for five years before I even graduated from high college.

Jen was the person who convinced myself and others that being an HVAC corporation rep was one of the finest tasks anyone could have. When I was provided with an apprenticeship from the same HVAC supplier as my sibling worked in, I blissfully accepted. I never assumed that they would pair myself and others up with Jen as my instructor. The first numerous weeks went really well, and I l gained a lot that I had not l gained during classes. My concern was that I wasn’t sure I could ever do the same style of task on my own, one afternoon, they sent Jen and myself and others to a up-to-date home to service a furnace. Jen and I got down in the basement, and just as my sibling reached for her toolbox, Jen caught her arm on a jagged wire that was hanging down from the ceiling. Jen not only ripped the shirt, although she ended up with a deep jagged split going up the length of her arm. I got him into the service van and headed to the hospital. While waiting for the doctor, I called the HVAC supervisor and explained what happened to Jen, and the boss asked if I could return to the up-to-date home and finish the furnace when Jen and I left the hospital? As wary as I was, I agreed. The boss had already told the owners of the up-to-date home that I could return.I can’t understand why the HVAC boss thought I was strenuous to work with.

residential hvac