I was not up-to-date to the HVAC business.

I had worked as an HVAC tech in the neighborhood for over 15 years.

When my wifey Jen was provided a task as a principal in another area, I told her to accept the task.

As an HVAC corporation rep, I could work somewhere else. I could not guess of a single place in the world where they didn’t require an HVAC corporation rep somewhere. The people I was with and I found a more up-to-date home right outside of the neighborhood and moved as soon as college ended in June. Jen wanted to spend the entire summer time getting prepared for working in her more up-to-date location, and learning more about the area, the professors, and others Jen would work with. It didn’t take long for myself and others to find a task with a local HVAC supplier. I guess I didn’t realize how demanding and gruff I had gotten while working in the city. I treated my up-to-date HVAC clients the same as I treated the superintendents and owners of the apartment buildings that I did HVAC work for back in the city. It wasn’t until the owner of the HVAC supplier called myself and others into her office one afternoon that I knew I had a problem. She told myself and others the HVAC corporation reps thought I was strenuous to work with. After reflecting on the ways I was behaving, I knew I was the problem, and I had to repair it. It took myself and others a month to change the way the other HVAC corporation reps consider me, although I was still a way from understanding how to work with the customers.


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