It may not look strenuous to repair an A/C unit, however it is.

Over the course of my decade as an HVAC corporation rep, I have had numerous people looking over my shoulder and enjoying myself and others’ work.

  • Several of these people have commented on how self-explanatory it looks to work on an A/C unit.

One woman even said that air conditioning repair work looks to be so self-explanatory, she could not understand why the HVAC supplier can charge such a costly fee. My response to her statements is that it may not look strenuous repairing an A/C unit, however almost no one can do it. There is more to HVAC than making repairs, and you need to be familiar with all the components of the air conditioning system, the airflow system, and a furnace. And it is not just one kind of HVAC system, however every style of HVAC system they have. Without such comprehension, you can’t be certified, and without certification, you can’t be an HVAC corporation rep. I spent a year in college learning about the different HVAC systems available. After finishing my HVAC courses, I had to take another course on certification, and pass that test; Passing the test is stressful, and whether you pass or fail, you still have to pay for those courses. Once you are through the courses, you need to get a task. Every household has a need for an HVAC corporation, unless you live off the grid; Quality HVAC is something they entitle every individual household to, and it is HVAC corporations such as myself who supply it to them. It may not look strenuous to service any A/C components or furnaces, however it takes a special ‌person to want to do it.

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