My furnace stopped working yesterday and I really don’t know what to do

This winter has been one of the coldest winters that I can remember.

Last year was pretty bad, but I was able to use my fireplace all season to keep me warm.

I try to keep my HVAC costs down by using the pool in the summer and the fireplace in the winter. Since I have moved into the house it’s worked pretty well for me to keep my HVAC system off. I never have to remember to turn off the thermostat and my bills are so low, it’s like I don’t even have an HVAC system. This year is different because it’s already cold, so I know I will need to use the furnace. I tried to turn on the HVAC system yesterday just to make sure it was still working, but my furnace won’t start. I went over to see if the thermostat was working and it said the right temperature. I tried turning off the thermostat again for a few hours, but when I turned the thermostat back on there were no signs of life in my furnace. I really don’t know what to do because even though the fireplace is on I am already freezing. I am thinking that I will have to call an HVAC technician but I am not even sure where to find one. I have at least learned that you shouldn’t wait until you need your HVAC system to see if there is a problem. It probably is wise to always have an HVAC technician that you can call incase it’s the middle of the season and your HVAC system stops working.



Ductless heat pump