just the push of a button

I picked up the most awesome little temperature unit this week! It is a remote control that I purchased recently for my control unit.

I didn’t even know they had these things available on the market to tell you the truth.

I had found out about this Nifty hand held/remote controlled unit from learning more about my control unit on the website of the local business that made the control unit. It is a digital control unit, and it is actually 1 of the latest control units on the market. It also is programmable for many thermostats. But when I found out about this remote control device, I knew immediately I just had to get it! I went to the heating and air conditioner business that I found online in neighborhood that I originally purchased control unit from and politely inquired to see if they had any of these hand held control unit remotes in stock presently. It looked about everyone and their sisters were going after these handy things if they owned the same control unit that I do. They had only a few left on the Shelf, and I grabbed it instantly. I guess this is going to make my entire heating and cooling experience with my current control unit even better than it ever could be. I won’t have to get up to change the temperature at all anymore. I can do it from my couch, PC, or even from my dining room when i’m going to bed or waking up! I also told my buddy about my discovery, because they happened to have the same exact control unit in their house. They also sincerely thought this was an awesome idea, and I told them to run to the nearest heating and air conditioner business to get 1 before they were all sold out.

Heat pump service