A boiler plan can heat a hot tub

I have consistently been a fan of the heat pump.

That is one versatile piece of Heating & Air Conditioning equipment.

It has the capacity to cool us down like no other. Living in the South, being kept cool becomes a genuinely high life priority. Window units & fans just aren’t gonna get it done during this kind of summer. The temps often stick near or over the several digit mark for weeks at a time. Any sane person will be employing a drastic cooling unit. And, there are none much finer than the heat pump; The heat pump is able to give efficient cooling without splitting the bank during the peak of summer. It makes writing that utility check a whole lot easier. Now, all of us don’t have all that much of a winter. But, unless you have a wood stove, a person will need some sort of heat even during our mild winter. The heat pump can supply all the heat I will ever need. What’s excellent about it is how the heat pump heats during the winter. It really reverses the flow of the refrigerant to then extract heat energy out of the air. Simply plucks this heat energy out of the ambient outside air. The heat pump can even do this as the outdoor temps fall to below fifty. After 45 degrees, a supplemental electric panels helps out. But catch this. There is a valve in my heat pump that uses the wasted heat energy to heat the water in my hot tub. It does this with far more efficiency than the hot tub heater. Will wonders ever cease?



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