Upgrade your house before your HVAC

There are just a myriad of things in my condo that I pay little to no attention to.

  • It particularly staggers myself and others to think of all the little pieces of my condo that might need attention.

Maybe this is why I wonder around so stressed out. But, I have begun to consider some areas of my condo with an eye toward preventive repair. I want to lessen to heavy load I put on the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system. The doors plus windows were the logical starting point. I replaced the last few windows which were not double paned. The rest of the window got a silicone treatment to ensure there were no gaps for treated air to leak from. The entry door is fairly up-to-date so all I did was replace the weather stripping. I was all chest thumping about my progress until I saw a report online. I was researching how to prevent Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C treated air from leaking out when I came across the article about air ducts. The article stated that the average condo loses at least 30 percent of treated air through leaks in their air ducts. So several air ducts are installed during condo construction plus then forgotten. The air ducts sag which allows gaps to leak out Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C treated air. I immediately called my Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C guy. He set up an appointment for a crew to wash plus then reseal the HVAC duct throughout my home. I couldn’t believe the amount of junk that came out of my air ducts. I was a bit overwhelmed. But, the ducts are all ship shape now plus the condo is tightened up particularly good.


Geo heat pump