How does office temperature affect productivity?

Air temperature in workplaces has a direct effect on productivity.

Common sense tells us that if it’s too tepid or two cold, productivity will definitely suffer, however even a shift of several degrees in office temperature can make a difference in productivity plus overall place of employment ergonomics.

The majority of scientific research has shown that optimal office temperature between should be between 72 plus 70 degrees Fahrenheit provides the best air temperature to obtain maximum worker productivity. Consider if your commercial Heating plus A/C system is set for an optimal temperature of 71.5 degrees Fahrenheit. When the temperature goes up to 72 degrees, productivity drops to 98%, however by the time its 92 degrees, productivity is at 85%. When temperature decreases, the falloff isn’t as steep. At 66 degrees Fahrenheit, productivity is at 98% plus is down to 90% at 59 degrees. Optimal temperature, but, doesn’t solely rely on a number as several other factors come into play. Seasons affect how the people I was with and I feel about temperature, allowing us to be more comfortable at cooler rapidly increasing temperatures in the winter. Clothing is another factor, although this is also affected by the seasons. Summer finds us wearing lighter plus thinner clothes made of breathable materials, so the people I was with and I tolerate warmer air rapidly increasing temperatures. Body Mass Index (BMI), or how much fat the people I was with and I have, is an insulating factor. People also feel colder as they age, recognizably individuals over 55. Climate plus latitude play a part in our expectations about comfort. Yet, the amount of humidity in the air may be the largest overriding factor. A relative humidity of 40% is optimal for year round comfort, so keeping a good relative humidity level is key to maintaining a productive office environment.



heat pump install

What to remember when choosing to upgrade the unit

Your Heating plus A/C systems come with an average lifespan of generally 10-15 years.

Continuing to run them beyond that limit can mean higher utility costs plus occasional breakdown plus costly repairs, then yes, the people I was with and I understand that Heating plus A/C upgradement can be costly, however it can also save you money in the long-run.

If you are not too sure about whether it is very time for a upgradement, you can constantly ask for a specialists’ advice from an Heating plus A/C professional like us, and periodically, a repair may get you above the water plus make your system run smoothly for another couple years, at other times, but, a repair will only add up to the expense while only delaying the inevitable, not to mention the sizable energy bills you will need in the meantime. So, when is the time you should go for a upgradement? As the people I was with and I said, an Heating plus A/C professional will be able to advocatedyou on this. Once you have made the decision to go for a upgradement, another task is to decide on the type of unit plus model you will like to go for this time. Contact an Heating plus A/C servicer at this point plus request them to make recommendations plus supply you a separate estimate for each of the proposed options. Make sure the estimate includes things like installation plus work costs, energy efficiency, parts prices, etc. plus that there are no strings affixed. You must also make sure to ask whether or not you will need humidifiers or dehumidifiers, depending on where you live. Larger homes often profit from numerous zoning, so check if that is a viable choice for your home, since zoning your Heating plus A/C system can be beneficial in the long run.


a/c install

Different kinds of commercial Heating and A/C systems

If you are preparing to install a modern or replacement commercial oil furnace, there are several substantial factors to keep in mind.

Cost is regularly substantial, however savvy contractor owners will consider the cost of use and maintenance in addition to the replacement price tag! The efficiency and environmental impact of differing commercial Heating and A/C systems may also influence your decision.

The oil or gas steam heating idea is a single of the oldest ways to supply central heating to a commercial property. These systems use oil or gas fuel to boil and condense steam and then pass it through pipes! Like steam oil furnaces, water oil furnaces rely on a boiler powered by oil or gas. The similarities don’t end there: love steam oil furnaces, water oil furnaces are relatively inefficient and slow compared to other commercial heating options, but in water oil furnaces, the boiler heats the water, which is then passed through radiators located throughout the building, but natural energy systems that use solar power, geothermal energy or other sustainable resources are great environmentally-friendly options. In addition, these systems are often more cost-efficient over a long period of time than oil or gas powered systems… Heat pump systems essentially work love a refrigerator in reverse, extracting heat from the air and circulating it throughout a property. Since these systems don’t rely on a fuel source, they are seriously energy efficient and usually very cost efficient as well. Heat pumps require electric back-up oil furnaces in case the temperature gets too frigid to extract heat, and these systems may become uneconomic in sites with below-average Wintertide temperatures.

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Replacing your attic

Attic insulation replacement is vital in older homes, as insulation wears with age! Failure to replace it directly impacts energy consumption both in Winter time plus summer time months.

It could absolutely result in a cold condo in winter, plus an uncomfortably boiling condo in summer.

There are some indications that your condo needs up-to-date attic insulation, such as higher utility bills, among others. A well-insulated condo will regulate un-even temperatures year round, reducing yearly energy bills, and worn insulation results in inconsistent room un-even temperatures. The hands-on approach of testing the quality of the insulation will determine if it needs replacing. Wear a glove plus touch the insulation, noting its condition. Crumbling insulation is a sure sign that it requires replacing. A previous pest infestation is good enough reason to replace the attic insulation. A leaky roof. If the insulation were not respectfully dried as a result of a leak in the roof, it could develop mold, which will require replacement. Mold can be severely dangerous to people plus is linked to more than 2 health risks. In a afternoon where DIY projects are all the rage, there are some that are best left to professionals. Professional insulation installers will respectfully plus always sit insulation for a seamless application. Homeowners may also find themselves taking on more than they bar earned for when tackling such a project themselves, as with trying to install insulation in hard plus narrow spots. The quality of the insulation plays a immense job in future energy savings, but is limited to the quality of the installation.


air purification

Different types of commercial Heaters

The similarities don’t end there: care about steam furnaces, water gas furnaces are relatively inefficient plus slow compared to other commercial heating options, but in water furnaces, the boiler heats the water, which is then passed through radiators located throughout the building, but natural energy systems that use solar power, geothermal energy or other sustainable resources are good environmentally-friendly options

If you are preparing to install a up-to-date or replacement commercial furnace, there are several pressing factors to keep in mind, and cost is consistently pressing, but savvy supplier owners will consider the cost of use plus service plus the installation price tag, then the efficiency plus environmental impact of differing commercial Heating plus Air Conditioning systems may also influence your decision. The oil or gas steam heating proposal is one of the oldest ways to provide central heating to a commercial property. These systems use oil or gas fuel to boil plus condense steam plus then pass it through pipes. Like steam furnaces, water gas furnaces rely on a boiler powered by oil or gas. The similarities don’t end there: care about steam furnaces, water gas furnaces are relatively inefficient plus slow compared to other commercial heating options, but in water furnaces, the boiler heats the water, which is then passed through radiators located throughout the building, but natural energy systems that use solar power, geothermal energy or other sustainable resources are good environmentally-friendly options. In addition, these systems are often more cost-efficient over a long period of time than oil or gas powered systems, but heat pump systems essentially labor care about a refrigerator in reverse, extracting heat from the air plus circulating it throughout a property, then since these systems don’t rely on a fuel source, they are severely energy efficient plus usually easily cost efficient as well. Heat pumps require electric back-up oil gas furnaces in case the temperature gets too cold to extract heat, plus these systems may become uneconomic in venues with below-average Winter time un-even temperatures.

a/c corporation

Should I clean my HVAC air ducts?

A few weeks ago, I was sitting in the cafeteria at work with a few of my coworkers.

And on a normal lunch break, we discuss things happening in the news or we discuss the company as well as upcoming projects.

In addition, the conversations will lead to random topics that may include kids, spouses, family members, and more. Anyway, on this day while in the cafeteria a conversation popped up about HVAC units. Apparently, Tami had just gotten her ductwork cleaned and Mike was shocked that she had that service done. In fact, Mike mentioned to Tami that she was ripped off and that she didn’t need to clean out her air ducts. Of course, others jumped into the conversation, and it turns out that a few other coworkers had gotten their ductwork cleaned in previous years. Personally, I have never gotten my air ducts cleaned and my HVAC technician has never mentioned that to me. Well, after a few back and forth exchanges, someone Googled whether or not we should clean our ductwork. There were a few answers that came back that included: 1) that it is not necessary to clean the HVAC ductwork, 2) that we should clean them every 3 to 5 years, 3) or clean them as needed if there is an infestation. The Environmental Protection Agency recommends that the air ducts should be cleaned on an as needed basis. Because I have never had my air ducts cleaned, and there was no solid answer to the question, I didn’t engage in the conversation. If, however, my HVAC technician recommends that I get my air ducts cleaned, chances are, I might consider doing it then.

Rooftop HVAC

It costs more to heat a house than it does to cool it down

While staying at my parents’ house for the holiday, I engaged in a conversation with my dad about the heat inside his home.

He has a multi-level house with split zone-controlled HVAC units. There are two thermostats that control his HVAC units, one on the bottom level and the other located on the top level of the house. Well, the first night that I arrived, the heat upstairs was set to 75 degrees. I tried to explain to my dad that 75 degrees is just too high and that his furnace will be working overtime to try to maintain that temperature in the house. I even tried to make the claim that it costs a lot more money to heat a home in the Winter than it does to keep a house cool in the Summer months. Well, my dad disagreed as his heating bill is around the same for both the Summer and the Winter season. He showed me his past utility invoices for the Summer for me to compare it to his most recent bill. Sure enough, they hovered around the same. Data has shown that it does cost more to heat a house than it does to cool it down, due to the difference in temperature outside. Personally, I pay less money for my utility bill in the Winter than I do in the Summer months because I live in a state with a tropical climate. So, I barely use my heat during the Winter unless there are days that drop down into the 40s, and trust me, those days are far and few between.



Hot water boiler

A very helpful HVAC professional

When I started hearing unusual noises from my home heating equipment, I knew trouble was brewing. The system was old but had been efficient when it was. I also noticed the regulator needed to give correct readings. I had been with the two devices for close to thirteen years. With the realization, however, not suddenly, that I would be getting a new heating system, I took to the heating business center to look for HVAC professionals to guide me in selecting the most suitable system. I got an expert who was willing to assist. I later learned that he was the one who did my HVAC installation more than a decade ago. He had his heating company that had made its name. The specialist accompanied me to the different stores looking for a quality HVAC to fit my preference. He was very patient with ms as I asked about the advantages and disadvantages of the various systems. He explained the technology used to manufacture the systems in the heating industry. This information helped me settle on a heat pump from a renowned brand to help with indoor comfort. He also introduced me to the smart thermostat. After listening to all its benefits, I chose it, saving me 30% in energy costs. The heating technician even helped me bargain and earn a discount. We ended up buying air conditioning filters from the same heating dealer. This specialist was a real help during this time, and I learned more about heating from him. He even assigned me a new contractor to help with the heat pump installation. They installed the new unit the following day, and honestly, I still silently thanked my HVAC specialist for the assistance. I scheduled annual heater maintenance with him.


energy saving tips

An average day at the heating company

Through this, they can maintain the optimal function of the HVAC system and help with indoor comfort

When we received another job order, we had just come from doing heater maintenance on a heat pump at a particular school. The heat pump installation at the school had been in a less desirable state after schools reopened. The school needed an HVAC professional to dust and clean the system for it to resume working. The cleaning took us a long time, but after hours of cleaning it, we noticed increased air quality. Our heating company’s new job order was at the old candy factory. Their HVAC had blown up. Though no one got hurt and nothing was damaged, the unit was beyond repair, and now they needed a heating technician to recommend a good and reliable whole home heating system and handle the fitting process. After getting a view of the factory and its size through a video call, we passed by the heating dealer’s store and purchased a new heating system. When we got to the factory, it smelled of biscuits. The HVAC tech proceeded to uninstall the old unit, and we proceeded with installing the new heat pump. The factory manager was impressed by the advanced technology of the new system. The heating industry now has high-quality air conditioning filters that trap even minor dust or dirt particles. Through this, they can maintain the optimal function of the HVAC system and help with indoor comfort. The manager had also requested we upgrade the regulator to a smart thermostat that would intelligently study the temperature preference and set itself to do just that. The manager seemed to know more about heating and heating business than the average homeowner. The staff at the factory were pleased by the increased indoor comfort as it created a good working environment.
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A cup of good coffee after carrying out heater maintenance

I would come by the coffee shop every morning to get my coffee before going to the heating company

We had an early work order at the local coffee shop last Monday. The HVAC service was scheduled for 5 am before the shop opened. The whole home heating system at the coffee shop was quite old but still functioned efficiently. It was controlled by a smart thermostat which looked new. I saw the ductwork meandering through the back side of the building. I started by inspecting it and found a few leaky places. I had the HVAC professional do the duct sealing to conserve energy and help with indoor comfort. The attendant was talking about the heat pump next door. I told the shop attendant that sharing the heat pump installation next door would be complex. As we worked on the unit, the shop attendant made coffee that smelled amazing. Since our heating business promises fast and efficient home services, we focused on executing the heater maintenance, including cleaning the system. The shop attendant was keen on observing us while we worked; she wanted to learn more about heating. The heating dealer delivered some air filters to increase indoor air quality. We answered the barrister’s questions about the heating industry, and one of the heating technicians cleaned our working area when we finished. The coffee the barrister gave us revived our entire morning and, eventually, our work day. I would come by the coffee shop every morning to get my coffee before going to the heating company. Since then, the barrister and I have become friends, and she now wants to purchase new heating equipment for her home.


heating dealer