Grandma thinks aliens visited her, not HVAC tech

I know that my family isn’t exactly what you would call…


No, I’m not trying to be mean and anyway. I am simply stating some facts here. I come from a clan of extremely unreasonable human beings who failed to be able to see the error in their thinking. More often than not, I find myself giving up and walking away from my family members rather than trying to have a long conversation with them. I think that’s for the best, after recently letting my grandma talk my ear off for several hours. I decided that she probably needed some company after all this time in isolation and dropped by my grandma’s house last weekend. That’s when she proceeded to spend the entire afternoon telling me about her heating, cooling, and air quality control system. If that sounds extremely dry and mundane, let me tell you that hearing about someone else’s indoor air quality control system and related temperature failures definitely does not spark imagination. However, it sure seems like her heating, cooling, and air quality control issues have caused quite an interesting narrative in her head. Namely, my grandma now thinks that her forced air furnace, air conditioning unit, and thermostat have teamed up against her to work in tandem with the aliens who intend on invading our planet. Somehow, she got it in her head that the thermostat was listening to her conversations and the forced air furnace was radioing reports to UFOs around the planet. When I recommended that we call a heating, cooling, and air quality control technician to check things out… She told me that the HVAC dealership was operated by aliens, too.


heating industry