A painful preparation

As my dad sits in his recliner, feet up, heating pad behind him, and being miserable, I wonder why he does this to himself each Fall.

Homeownership comes with many responsibilities and I wonder if he is getting too old to do so much on his own.

My brother and I both live almost an hour away so it isn’t like we can stop over all the time to help out and dad insists that he can still do everything just fine. He kills himself out in the yard for days and then ends up laid up, on pain killers, for days at a time. His back is just not what it used to be. One thing we have been trying to convince him to change is the wood stove. He spends weeks stacking wood to get ready for the winter. Then, all winter long, he has to reload the wood stack in the house. This involves shovelling to the pile, loading the rack, and then dragging it inside. We contacted an HVAC dealer who also deals with gas fireplaces. We gave dad the information and he said he would think about it. His big issue is that he doesn’t want to “waste” money paying the utility company. We showed him that modern gas fireplaces are very efficient and that they can heat with just an adjustment to a thermostat. This would save him hours of backbreaking work, not to mention the mess involved in using a wood stove. We would worry less about the fact that he was injuring himself too. I really hope he makes this change so that he can have a pain free heating source.
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