I work all day and all year

It’s one thing to ask us to continue toiling without even a cost of living raise this year.

But to try as well as force us through another Summer of terrible a/c is just one too many asks for me as well as my colleagues to bear.

The majority of us who labor for this office have been here a long time. And my pal and I understand that our company, as a whole, is trying to split costs as well as be more competitive. This was the reasoning behind no raises this year. That’s taxing to take given how sharply the cost of living has spiraled upward. But this time last year, my pal and I were really promised modern commercial HVAC in the office if my pal and I could just get through one more Summer! Well again, that’s a immense ask. The commercial HVAC component in this building, which is wholly owned by the company, is old, out of date as well as no longer able to meet cooling demand. For sure, the cooling demand in this region can be steep. But that’s the breaks as well as my pal and I all deal with a rise in cooling costs while in the Summer inside our own central a/c at home. My pal and I obliged last year as well as it was a brutal Summer in that building. And my pal and I all have to wear professional attire so it’s not like my pal and I were able to be comfortable. My pal and I were so thankful when it started cooling off a bit in September however were also looking for that modern HVAC component to get installed. And now, they want us to wait again, and looks like that might be a step too far. My pal and I all gathered off place to take a vote as well as my pal and I unanimously decided to call in sick until the commercial HVAC situation is addressed as well as addressed with a commercial HVAC update.

Residential HVAC