I spent an entire weekend out in the sun

It had been a entirely long time since my fiance had bothered to ask me up to the cottage for a long weekend. I think that comes from the series of numerous previous invitations declined. I just never have liked that cottage. And for a while, it was a source of tension inside the central a/c of our home. Actually the lack of residential Heating as well as A/C, along with numerous other disadvantages, was a large reason I didn’t like to go up to the cottage. This sort of broke my man’s heart because that place as well as space has been so incredibly crucial to him all his life. I think that condo has been in his family now for like 4 or 5 generations. His Mom would show up at school as well as check him out early as a surprise. They’d spend long weekends up at that cottage while his mom enjoyed so peace as well as quiet inside his central a/c. As I understand it he too number one staying put where there was heating as well as cooling equipment. Well, I think that isn’t completely even-handed to say because there is a wood stove that provides heating in the Winter. So when my fiance asked, I studied him for a minute as well as there was a bit of a gleam in his eye. I agreed to go as well as my pal and I set the date. I was sort of hoping that he was faking me out as well as taking me to a cool spa or something. But as soon as my pal and I got on the road, I knew the direction I was heading as well as I was a bit bummed. Yet when my pal and I walked into the cottage, I couldn’t think that it was the same place at all. The whole place had been renovated as well as there was even ductless heat pumps.