I need to keep windows and doors open

Oh man, the hot and cold temperatures jumped last weekand my pal and I saw the middle 79’s most of the day.

  • My partner said it was in the upper 79’s where she works and the commercial HVAC was pumping air conditioning.

I labor at apartment despite the fact that I can attest to all the air conditioning, and we like to leave our windows and doors open all Springtime. This allows us to acclimate to the heat and the humidity so my pal and I don’t have as high a cooling demand in the Summer. But really, my pal and I do it because my pal and I don’t mind the rising hot and cold temperatures. Sitting at my desk with the window open, I could hear one heat pump after another pop on as the hot and cold temperatures climbed. I guess my pal and I are getting closer and closer to having to close up the house, seal it narrow and leave the air conditioning on. But that’s okay, but unlike a lot of people around here, you won’t hear me complaining about the heat. I like Summer and I get outside and out of the air conditioning every day that I can! For sure, it gets stifling hot during the peak heating hours of the day. And I do my best to schedule my labor activities to be inside the central air conditioning during that part of the day, then yet, my pal and I live in such a beautiful, natural venue with all kinds of things to do doing outside of the air conditioning. I change my schedule to get up earlier to get out of the air conditioning before it gets scorching. The peak heating hours of the day are for the air conditioning. But even in the evening each day, it’s so nice to get outside again and care about some fresh air. I appreciate the Summer and the heat pump makes that possible.

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