Relying on window A/C here

Living in the northern area of the country means that it doesn’t get that hot, then for the vast majority of the year our family and I rely on our heating equipment.

Both of us have many oil furnaces stretched throughout the beach house to combat the snow, ice and windchill that fall into the drawback hot and cold temperatures, there are a few weeks in Summer that get brutal however.

The sunshine is severe and the humidity is even worse, then owning a central A/C plan isn’t necessary since it does not linger long, however i wanted our family to be comfortable this Summer though. Box fans and ceiling fans just weren’t cutting it. It was difficult to fall asleep at night, so I started investing in window air conditioner units, then now every bedroom and the kitchen have a window A/C component during the summertime! Window cooling is surprisingly effective. It keeps the small section cool for the duration both of us want it at. The bump in the electric bill is minor. I really love how easy it is to install the A/C and then unconnect it once the season is over. I thankfully have an attic. Once the window cooling systems are no longer needed, I unconnect them and put them back in the attic for storage. It is quite easy, effective and cheap to now own window cooling… My whole family sleeps better in the Summer and is happier even on the muggiest of afternoons. Since it is a small window unit, the repair with these machines is certainly low. I don’t need to call a Heating, Ventilation and A/C dealership to take care of them.

furnace filter