Solving a weird HVAC accident in my new home

Like I had two air ducts in my bathroom.

Really, the thought of having a home built for me was sort of the ultimate in my mind. Not bad for my first time as a homeowner. I must say that I’m glad to be done with stuff like bad residential HVAC that comes with apartment life. I certainly didn’t like that the HVAC equipment was older than I was and by a lot. Also the heating and cooling equipment was never maintained by an HVAC professional. But I saved my money and used some money that was willed to me by my grandparents to build myself a house. The entire time it was being built, I could hardly believe that this thing was mine. For the first time, I would own my own HVAC equipment and be responsible for the upkeep of an entire house. Right away, I signed up with the local HVAC company to be on their HVAC service plan. For sure, I wasn’t taking any chances and the more prepared I was for homeownership, the better I felt. It was sort of strange because my HVAC was messed up when I finally moved in. It took me more than a week to figure it out. Before the building process I chose from about 10 different floor plans. Evidently, the builder used a different set of floor plans when he hung the ductwork. The air ducts just weren’t in the right places. Like I had two air ducts in my bathroom. But it didn’t take much to remedy that situation. The HVAC company came out along with the builder and it took them about a week to fix. I’m really blown away by the HVAC equipment now because I’m getting the full effect.

New air conditioning