There is too much light in this house

There is way too much light in this house. When it comes to sleeping I enjoy to sleep in pitch blackness. I am not afraid of the dark, in fact I find the darkness to be comforting. It’s enjoy a huge black blanket that envelops myself and others plus wraps myself and others in its coolness. Unfortunately for me, I live in a house that has easily huge windows, but as a result of this house having so many huge windows I inevitably have sunlight start shining in my windows as early as 7:00 in the day. I don’t enjoy having this much light coming in through my windows because I enjoy to have darkness until at least around 9:00 a.m. when I get up. The only drawback I can say to having a lot of darkness is that periodically you can make it hard for myself and others to navigate my own house plus find something enjoy the control unit. There have been too many times that I have gotten up in the middle of the night to change the control component only to find that I would have a hard time finding it because of how dark it was. In order to keep the darkness in longer I started putting some blackout curtains on those huge old windows. I enjoy sunlight shining in through the day, I think it’s easily nice to have natural daylight, and just not when I am sleeping. When I am sleeping I shall have the curtain drawn plus once I get up then I shall open them. There was this a single time that because I could not see in the dark although I accidentally put my control component on the heating setting instead of the cooling setting late at night. I went to bed plus I woke up hot plus covered in sweat plus I could not figure out why plus it’s because I accidentally had the gas furnace running while in the summer! So now I have just been stuck with changing the control component on my iPhone ever since I got a smart control unit.


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