Don’t let late evening gas furnace shut down be your fate

By the time I remembered, the gas furnace was on all day anyway and I just went with it.

Whenever the topic of HVAC heating comes up, I’m quite direct when it comes to how essential HVAC heating service is. I don’t mince words about the importance of heating service because of the experience I went through a few years ago. It was prior to the pandemic so I can’t blame my lapse on Covid or dealing with being cooped up inside the HVAC security of our home. No this was back when there wasn’t a current normal to get accustomed to. But that doesn’t mean that my plate wasn’t full because it most really was. With adolescents and laboring all the hours I do inside the zone controlled HVAC of the office, I would catch myself coming and going a lot. And to be frank, my track record when it came to HVAC service was already not so good. I had the best intentions but I just wasn’t so fantastic about entirely calling the HVAC corporation to schedule appointments. So the gas furnace didn’t exactly get the most consistent HVAC service. But that fall, I was tied up and just completely forgot about calling for HVAC heating service. By the time I remembered, the gas furnace was on all day anyway and I just went with it. But then came the gas furnace quitting on the coldest evening of the year. I had to iphone for an emergency HVAC service call. That was expensive and for sure, the concern wouldn’t have even occurred if I had just made that HVAC service appointment in the first site.

electric furnace