Wood-burning fireplaces are not that effective at heating your home

Finally, the Summer is coming to an end, and I am looking forward to the coziest time of year.

When the weather gets cooler, and we grab blankets to curl up underneath them. One of my favorite things to do during the Fall and Winter months is to sit by a fireplace, eat cookies, and drink hot chocolate. Unfortunately, I don’t have a fireplace in my house, but my parents have one in theirs. So, every year, I look forward to going to their house just so that I can enjoy being cozy by the fireplace. Funny enough, my parents barely use the fireplace. In fact, the only time it gets used is the one time per year when I go to see them. So, their fireplace is mostly for decorative purposes more than anything else. Where I live, not many houses have fireplaces installed. And the ones that do, mostly use them for accent pieces in their homes. My parents have a wood-burning fireplace and though they create an amazing ambiance, they are not the most efficient when it comes to heating the home. Due to their design and the need to have proper venting, wood-burning fireplaces will allow unwanted cold air back into your home. And if you have the furnace running, it will be working much harder to keep the house warm. Gas and electric fireplaces are much more. efficient and they can be used in tandem with the furnace to provide great heating for the home. Anyway, I am looking forward to using the wood-burning fireplace this Winter even though it’s not the greatest when it comes to heating the home.

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