My wife’s reading nook

My wife just recently purchased an older window a/c unit used for a cheap price.

When I saw her bringing it into the house, I wondered what she would want with an older window a/c plan when we have central heat & air conditioning.

When I asked her, she explained that the airflow in her reading room is not the best. Yes, my wife had a reading room. It’s a small little sunroom, and she spends just about all her time in there. We can’t really afford to purchase a brand new portable a/c system, so buying a used outdated window a/c plan for this little room was the best thing to do. Now, my wife can get lost in her books all summer while feeling cool and comfortable, which makes me very happy. On some of those entirely hot Summer afternoons, all she wants to do is stay at the house on the weekends & go through books in her little room. And now that she has a nice outdated window a/c plan in there that works well, it will be even more relaxing. While the Summer is not here just yet, it has been pretty warm. So my wife did have the opportunity to test it out. She spent most of last weekend good & reading books in there with the window a/c unit she obtained used… You would never expect that this window a/c plan was used because of how great it works. Those outdated window units are pretty, effective, to be honest. It just goes to show you that you don’t always need to buy the newest, fanciest option.


Air conditioning system