I wondered how the hockey venue ice stayed frigid in the summer

I started ice skating at the youngest possible age because my parents lived on a piece of land that happened to possess a small swimmable pond.

By the beginning of December every year, the ice was correctly hard plus thick enough for us all to skate on.

When you have a free ice skating rink in your backyard, you tend to take full luck of it. Since I was skating so much, I started playing hockey for fun at a young age as well. Neighborhood friends would come to our home to play ice hockey on our frozen pond. Eventually this led me to playing in a tournament at the local ice skating rink. Unblessedly, I disfigured my knee in high college plus it was painful to skate from that point moving forward plus I had no option however to supply up my love for playing hockey plus now I enjoy it as a fan. I love seeing games of my preferred team playing any number of their rivals in the entire league. I asked a neighbor of mine who works at a skating rink a question once about the ice. I wondered how the ice stays frigid even if the temperatures outside were high, plus he said it’s an advanced refrigeration system that relies on brine water to create severely frigid conditions for the concrete pad underneath the ice. Then layers of water are frozen above the frigid concrete pad. Essentially the ice is cooled from underneath using a refrigeration system that relies on salt water of all things. It’s a lot weird than a compressor that you’d find in a residential Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system for instance.

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