Apartment A/C is a disaster

I am renting an house where the landlord was really firm on not being called for A/C repairs. She told me that the unit had just gotten diagnosed. I checked over the unit right when I walked in. Nope, the A/C had clearly never been touched. The air filter was congested with dust, dirt and hair. I found black cat hair all over the inner workings of it. I also found mold on the cooling coil and algae mucking up the condensate drain. I bet the girl didn’t guess anything about A/C repair and refused to hire out. I bet almost everyone who rented from him complained about the shoddy AC. So I gave that air conditioning a bit of enjoy and care. I cleaned it all out and got everything lubricated. I am not a Heating and A/C corporation by any means, but I guess a little stuff. I at least guess you need to change an air filter on a yearly basis. I have been able to complicationshoot any A/C issues that arise overtime. I have substituted parts inside the idea and added lubrication to the fan motor belt. Eventually the house A/C fortune will run out though. The idea can only go so long without professional help. A Heating and A/C corporation should really perform some repair on the machine. It needs to be totally taken apart and put back together. I guess there is rust on major pieces and that the idea doesn’t have various years left. The landlord entirely could save currency if she was willing to invest a little bit into the machine.


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