My wife’s bubble bath and the space heater

Since we had really good central heating in the home, we never got another space heater until this.

I just bought 2 new space heaters for the bathroom. The reason I ended up doing this is because my wife was complaining how cold she was while taking her nightly bubble bath. She was saying that every time she got out of the bathtub she would feel as if she was in the freezer. I thought that was a bit of an extreme way of putting it, but I got the point. So by buying 2 new space heaters and placing them on each side of the bathroom, this has now made my wife happy while taking her nightly bubble bath. We had a space heater that we used to use for the bathroom but it had broke a few years ago. Since we had really good central heating in the home, we never got another space heater until this. It seemed that the central heating, no matter how good it is, was just not keeping my wife warm while she was sitting in that bathtub for about an hour. I guess it kind of makes sense to me when I really sit down and think about it. I am just glad that the space heaters that I had to buy did not cost me a fortune! Space heaters are pretty cheap in general, which is a great thing. But the fact that these 2 space heaters I bought were on sale was a plus! So now my wife is happy, I can rest easier and not have to hear her complain about it any longer!
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