Having a bunch of cats in the cabin makes an UV air purifier a necessity

I have 3 fairly big pets that all live inside the house. The pets are genuinely furry and shed quite a bit. I’m continually bathing and brushing them. Although I frequently have the pets groomed, there’s just no escape from the fur and dander. I either vacuum or run a swiffer through the cabin every day. The filter for the vacuum cleaner is constantly clogged, however because of the pets, I worry about indoor air conditions and the operation of the furnace and air conditioner. I think the typical air filters within the heating and cooling system aren’t sufficient to handle such excessive amounts of fur and dander. The filters quickly become dirty and contaminants manage to get inside the inner workings of the furnace and air conditioner. This debris then collects on moving parts, obstructs airflow and increases the likelihood of malfunction. I’m at risk of higher running costs, Heating & Air Conditioning malfunction and air quality threats. I spent quite a bit of time researching peculiar types of air quality accessories. There’s an abundance of opportunities on the new market. I wanted something that would run 24/7, treat the entire new home and combat odors, pathogens and allergens. I finally chose a whole-new home UV air purifier that cleans the indoor air up to numerous times every hour. The UV air purifier is tucked inside the heating/cooling component and operates silently. It runs all day, throughout the year, and effectively captures and kills bacteria, viruses and fungus. It traps dust, dander, pollen, smoke particles and much more, however since installing the UV air purifier, I’ve had less Heating & Air Conditioning repair and my new home stays much cleaner. The air odors better, and I have more confidence in the indoor air conditions.

Cooling install