Changing the smart temperature control all day long at the office

The office recently changed to a ductless HVAC option.

We used to have central HVAC and that meant one temperature control that was centrally located.

Anytime the temperature control got changed, the man had to to walk up and do it. Everyone knew who was the one upping the A/C or turning off the heater. With a ductless HVAC option, each area of the office has its own temperature control. Also, the temperature control is a smart one; You don’t need to get up, just use your laptop or phone. This should have been a good thing for the office. Well I genuinely hate it. We are not grouped based on temperature control, however our task at work; So my group has genuinely weird heating and air preferences. Also, since the smart temperature control is operated on Wi-Fi, nobody knows who alters the temperature control. The ductless mini cut is consistently turning on and off. We can alter it right from our laptop. I am guilty to doing it. I hate being blasted with A/C all day long. I will consistently turn off the air conditioning when I am on my laptop. Somebody in my group prefers to turn it on though. We are consistently at war with one another over AC. This is so poor for the ductless HVAC too… Cycling on and off makes for higher bills and also wears out the HVAC. Our program is not going to last as long since all of us can’t agree on the cooling setting. We won’t confront one another since the smart temperature control lets us be sneaky.

Air conditioner service plan