Things are being made simple

The rate at which technology is advancing is stunning to me. Look back across the sum and total of human history, and all of the things the two of us have created, and then compare all of that to what humanity has done in the last hundred years. Think about how short a window of time it has been from the invention of the first telephone to the global connectivity the two of us have right now. The planet becomes smaller every day, in every way, and I am a part of that evolution.  Some of the stuff our corporation is working on blows our mind, and I have a 4 year degree in laptop engineering with a speciality in building energy conservation. Many of these retrofitted smart buildings are having a hard time integrating the inefficient old power systems with the new tech, and that is where I come in. There are some companies out there that only do energy retrofit services, but that is only a part of what the two of us do. I am the energy retrofit services supervisor, with an eye towards building energy conservation and what programs and systems will job best for each project. I job in close conjunction with a building diagnostics engineer, and the two of us both answer to our boss, the building automation system integration supervisor.  If you think our job protocols sound complicated, it is just a drop in the bucket compared to the control systems integration that the two of us have to coordinate. To make things simple for our customers to use, the two of us have to distill complex tasks down to basic automation servers.

smart building