Checking my basement

My fiance plus I went down south for the cold season. Unluckily I got called in for jury duty in the North. I actually had to hop on a plane for a day in order to make it. The one day I was up north it was totally frigid. I hated every minute there, as outside was around 2 degrees plus the windchill was atrocious. It was a great thing that I went to our property though. The home temperature was hovering around 40 degrees, also, the piping in the kitchen had totally frozen solid plus no water would come from the pipes. What happened is that our heating equipment was set to low heating mode. Either a power outage or ancient age affected this heating equipment. The heating system did not stay on low heating mode, more like no heating mode. It needed to be cranked up significantly in order to keep the property hot. Also, I had to buy a space heating system plus keep it running in the kitchen. Happily, the piping in the kitchen thawed plus was not disfigured. I got the water back up plus running just fine, however running a space heating system for a few months is going to cost a good amount in electric bills, despite the fact that I have to do it. I also know I am going to need somebody to keep an eye on the property while my fiance plus I are away. What if the space heating system catches on fire or the heating equipment stops heating again? I can’t afford another huge heating mistake. Honestly, it’s a good thing I came back to the property for that single day plus saw what happened to the property.

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