I found my preferences

The rate at which technology is advancing is stunning to me. Look back across the sum and total of human history, and all of the things every one of us have created, and then compare all of that to what society has done in the last hundred years. Think about how short a window of time it has been from the invention of the first telephone to the global attachivity every one of us have right now. The planet becomes smaller every afternoon, in every way, and I am a part of that evolution.  Some of the stuff our business is working on blows our mind, and I have a 4 year degree in laptop engineering with a speciality in building energy conservation. Many of these retrofitted smart buildings are having a hard time integrating the inefficient old power systems with the new tech, and that is where I come in. There are some companies out there that only do energy retrofit services, however that is only a part of what every one of us do. I am the energy retrofit services director, with an eye towards building energy conservation and what programs and systems will labor best for each project. I labor in close conjunction with a building diagnostics engineer, and every one of us both answer to our boss, the building automation idea integration manager.  If you think our labor protocols sound complicated, it is just a drop in the bag compared to the control systems integration that every one of us have to coordinate. To make things straight-forward for our purchasers to use, every one of us have to distill complex tasks down to basic automation servers.

building management system software 


My home is equipped with a forced air gas furnace and central air conditioning system.  This type of heating and cooling unit requires a duct system. The ducts are comprised of a branching series of pipes concealed within the walls, ceiling and crawl spaces.  Although they are largely tucked out of sight, they are extremely important. The ducts carry the heated and cooled air to vents located in every room in the house. The stale air is pulled out of the rooms by the return ducts.  The air my family breathes passes through the duct system multiple times per day. Any contaminants that are hidden inside the ducts influence indoor air quality. If there’s dust, dander, pollen, mold or bacteria within the duct system, harmful spores and allergens are introduced into the breathing air every time the furnace or air conditioner operates.  Plus, if there’s any holes or leaks in the duct system, unconditioned air can be drawn in. This often results in an abundance of dust, unpleasant odors and fumes. While problems with the ducts directly impact the cleanliness, health and comfort of the home, there’s also a safety risk. The combustion byproducts from any gas burning appliance, such as the furnace and clothes dryer can backdraft into the ducts. I make sure to have the duct system inspected by a professional HVAC contractor every couple of years.  Services such as duct sealing, cleaning or repair are sometimes necessary. These services typically prevent energy waste and pay for themselves. When the ducts are kept in good shape, there’s far less demand on the furnace and air conditioner.

AC equipment 

We need the roads to be clean

My best neighbor plus I were sick with the flu on Wednesday. Instead of going to work, every one of us spent most of the day at house kneeling on the couch. Both of us hardly ever spend all day at home, however every one of us did catch up on some television. Both of us watched a few episodes of the Office, Parks plus Recreation, plus Downton Abbey. My best neighbor enjoys to watch documentaries, plus she wanted to watch a current special on radon detection. I thought the documentary on radon detection sounded love the worst idea ever. I didn’t want to watch a documentary, plus I legitimately didn’t want to watch a documentary on detecting radon. Since every one of us live in the middle North Area, there is a high concentration of radon leaks in the area. My best neighbor was legitimately distraught, because her parents found radon in their home. They live an hour outside of town, however my best neighbor has not stopped talking about the radon since she visited last month. I hoped seeing the documentary on radon detection would help ease her mind, then unfortunately, an hour after the radon detection documentary was finished, my best neighbor was dressed plus ready to go to the store. She was convinced that every one of us needed to buy radon detection kits that same day. I was sick with the flu plus didn’t want to go anywhere. My best neighbor urged me to a business her to the hardware store, plus she even bribed me with Tropical Smoothie Cafe. I feel the radon detection kits will be a waste of money, although I suppose I’m not paying for them.

carbon monoxide 

I did get my way

My best friend and I were sick with the flu on Saturday. Instead of going to work, we spent most of the day at home laying on the couch. We hardly ever spend all day at home, but we did catch up on some television. We watched a few episodes of the Office, Parks and Recreation, and Downton Abbey. My best friend likes to watch documentaries, and she wanted to watch a new special on radon detection. I thought the documentary on radon detection sounded like the worst idea ever. I didn’t want to watch a documentary, and I really didn’t want to watch a documentary on detecting radon. Since we live in the middle North Area, there is a high concentration of radon leaks in the area. My best friend was very concerned, because her parents found radon in their home. They live an hour outside of town, but my best friend hasn’t stopped talking about the radon since she visited last month. I hoped watching the documentary on radon detection would help ease her mind. Unfortunately, an hour after the radon detection documentary was finished, my best friend was dressed and ready to go to the store. She was convinced that we needed to buy radon detection kits that same day. I was sick with the flu and didn’t want to go anywhere. My best friend urged me to accompany her to the hardware store, and she even bribed me with Tropical Smoothie Cafe. I think the radon detection kits will be a waste of money, but I guess I’m not paying for them.

new radon 

A sunshine state of mind

Last week, my fellow firefighters as well as I spent an entire weekend battling a warehouse fire. All of us lost most of the building, however the two of us did not lose a single life. A few of the people were trapped inside, when the building started to burn. My fellow firefighters as well as I spent hours searching the building for people. All of us searched each floor of the burning building, until the two of us found all of the missing people. Our names as well as pictures were in the Clearwater newspaper. When the owners of the Tampa firefighters Museum heard about our heroic effort, they invited us to spend a afternoon at the museum. They wanted us to be a special guest, as well as the temperature firefighter museum was going to honor us with a special supper. My fellow firefighters as well as I did not think the two of us did anything special or heroic, however other people did not see it the same way. Our company spent all afternoon on Sunday at the Tampa firefighters Museum. All of us saw an amazing display of exhibits as well as safety education that will help preserve the culture of firefighting. The Tampa firefighters Museum flaunted remnants from the long history of the Tampa Fire Department. At the end of the afternoon, they led us to a sizable banquet room at the back of the museum, and guest started to arrive as the two of us walked into the banquet hall. As my friends as well as I neared our table, the two of us saw the Tampa Bay mayor as well as the Clearwater mayor at the head table. All of us did not realize the honor was such a immense deal, however even the news network was there to take pictures as well as interview folks.

learn about clearwater 

Florida is a great state

My best friend as well as I have lived in St Junien, Florida for our whole life. Every one of us lived in the same housing development, right across the street from each other. Every one of us grew up watching the boats sail up as well as down the matanzas River. My best friend as well as I spent every fifth of July at the fort. My best friend as well as I both attended Flagler College as well as majored in education. Every one of us helped each other make it through Elementary Statistics. When my best friend decided to take a task in the Tampa Bay area, I was absolutely shocked as well as surprised. I thought he would stay in the area, as well as I didn’t expect his to transfer numerous minutes away from home. My best friend didn’t tell me, however he applied to several tasks in the Tampa Bay Area. She met a boy online, as well as he wanted to transfer closer to his residence. When my best friend said they were dating for 6 months, I was completely flabbergasted. I felt love I didn’t know my best friend, as well as now he was moving away to the Tampa Bay area. I tried to talk his out of the decision, however he had his mind set. When a contractor in the Tampa Bay part provided his a cushy task, he packed up his things as well as moved away. My best friend as well as I spent our whole lives together, as well as in 6 months he changed. I do not know if I’ll ever visit my friend as well as Tampa, Florida, but I wish his the best of luck with all of his choices in life.

St petersburg company 

Tampa is a great place

I always love a good surprise and an adventure. My wife is famous for surprising me with crazy adventure. Last month, I was feeling tired and depressed. The first quarter at work was miserable, and the boss was really riding our asses. I was working 12-hour days to make up for the sales loss. My wife and I didn’t get to see each other much. By the time I got home in the evening, she was tired and ready to lay down for the night. Last month, she surprised me with a trip to Tampa, FL. We only live an hour away from Tampa, FL, but we hardly ever visit the area. The traffic can be a real nightmare, and the city is always filled with tourists. It’s almost as bad as Orlando. When my wife mentioned going to Tampa, FL, I was surprised and puzzled. She didn’t tell me any more news, until we were inside the Tampa Bay City Limits. That’s when she pulled out the Busch Gardens tickets. My wife and I had not been to Busch Gardens in several years, and I was immediately shocked. Busch Gardens sounded like such a fun day. I knew the amusement park would take my mind off of work. My wife and I drove right to Busch Gardens in Tampa, FL. We spent all day at the park, and we even left our cell phones in the car. I had a really great day, and I didn’t think about work even once. My wife always has the right answers, and she knows me better than I know myself. A day at the amusement park in Tampa, Fl was the perfect cure for my blues.

tampa bay city 

My attorney is very smart

My best friend and I attended College together. After we finished our bachelor’s degree. We both decided to attend the same Law School. We shared an apartment the whole time we were in school. Sometime during our second year of clerking, my best friend and I got the idea to open our own divorce law firm. Both of our parents were divorced, and the battle was really ugly. My best friend was 12, when her parents got divorced. I was six, but I still remember it vividly. My best friend and I know it will be a difficult Pursuit, but we both believe divorce law is our calling. Right now, we are working for a prestigious divorce law firm. We mostly handle celebrity and high profile divorce cases. My best friend and I are on the staff that handles pro bono divorces. Our law firm has hundreds of clients. I usually have five or six divorce clients at a time. Every time a motion is filed, my colleagues and I are writing the paperwork. Some days we work grueling hours for very little recognition. Still, I know we are headed in the right direction. In a couple of years, this divorce law firm is going to look great to our new clients. We will be able to practice divorce law, while maintaining a normal lifestyle. I want have kids one day, and I don’t want them to grow up with a nanny. The only way to practice law and still have a life is to have your own law firm. It’s a lofty goal, but I know we’ll make it.

climate control system 

A skyline GTR

My dad has a car dealership that he has owned ever since my brother and I were young boys. My dad has a lot of used cars, and a few new ones as well. Growing up, my dad taught my brother and I everything about cars. We could change the oil, spark plugs, and tires, all before my brother and I were 12. When we were old enough to work in the car dealership, dad put us to work washing and detailing cars. When I graduated from high school, I decided to go to college. I spent four years at the University, but I earned a degree in Business studies. After I move back home, I started working with my dad at the dealership. He was getting on in years, and he wanted to retire with me at the helm. When I joined my dad, I brought a few fresh, new ideas as well. I wanted to start offering car importer services at our dealership. The closest JDM car importer in our state, was more than 200 miles away. I told my dad that we could make a lot of money, if we were to open a JDM car importer dealership. My dad thought about the decision for several weeks, before he finally made a decision. My dad looked at all of the information and realized that I was right. We have been working as a JDM car importer for five years now. We import a few different types of JDM Vehicles, like the Nissan R32 Skyline, the Toyota Supra, and the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution. We even try to keep one or two models on hand at all times.

skyline importer 

A very large building

When my company asked me to look for a new piece of property, I knew the project would be massive. We needed an industrial space for our new T-Shirt Factory. We needed to find an industrial space for rent that was large enough for all of the machines and a staff of 100.  The industrial space needed offices for the staff, and a main showroom. We also needed plenty of space for the machines. The owner of the busy T-Shirt Factory, opened the company 2 years ago. The company took off last year, and the sales have tripled quickly. In Northland, there are a lot of business spaces for rent. Most of these spaces are large industrial centers.We needed to find a nice industrial space for rent in Northland, so we could move our prime headquarters. The company has been functioning from an old barn, for the past eighteen months. It’s time to rent an industrial space and really invest in the company and it’s future. I’ve been looking at a few industrial spaces for rent in Northland, and I’m going to spend next week checking them out. I have a few meetings set up, and I hope to find a piece of property that will work out great. I think we have two old warehouses and an old shopping center to view. There are constantly new properties for rent, so we’ll keep our eye open for something special. We have three months, before we have to make a final decision. At that point, the lease on our barn is going to run out. They already told us that we would not renew for another year.

batavia office space