I like to fix things myself

I really like to fix things myself whenever I possibly can.

  • This is especially true whenever it comes to repairs on my car or things that get broken around the house for some reason or another.

Most of the time, I am able to figure things out. I am pretty smart about fixing things, and I like to think of myself as mechanically minded. I have also been told that I am a logical thinker for the most part. I think that it’s true, since whenever my refrigerator tears upor I have to replace a window or something like that, I am able to watch a video online and figure out how to do it myself without calling someone to come and do an expensive repair for me. I think that doing things myself saves me quite a bit of money around the house. I learned how to change tires on my car and how to change the oil in my car back when I was a teenager. I always think that that was probably the best thing that my dad ever taught me. These days, the only thing that I am worried about is my air conditioning system. It’s the middle of the summer, and my air conditioning system does not seem to be cooling the house down the way that it should be. I don’t really know that much about heating and cooling systems, though. I don’t really want to mess around with it because I’m afraid that I might electrocute myself! I think that certain things are best left to the experts.

geothermal heat pump

It was hard to enjoy the concert the other night

The other night when my wife and I went to a concert, it was really hard to enjoy it because the air conditioning system and the venue was broken.

There were thousands of people there for the event, and so as you can imagine, it got pretty hot pretty quick.

The whole place started heating up as soon as we got there, and I knew for a fact that it was going to get bad before the night was over! We had been having a heat wave in this part of the state anyway and so we knew that it was going to be hot. I was lucky that I remembered to bring my cooling towel with me to put around my neck whenever I got too hot. If I hadn’t brought the cooling towel with me, then I probably would have just passed out from the heat at the concert. I don’t know why in the world they didn’t check on the big commercial air conditioning units at the concert hall before they opened the doors to let everyone in. You would think that if you’re going to be hosting a big crowd like the one that we were in, you would be extra sure that the air conditioning system is working. It got so hot inside the place that people were actually leaving the concert to go outside to cool off. That’s pretty bad when the outside temperature is in the high 80s, that’s for sure. Usually, I hate for a concert to end, but that wasn’t the case this time. Since the air conditioning wasn’t working, it was actually a relief for the concert to be over.

Heat pump service

My brother has no idea what he’s doing

My brother literally has no idea what he is doing when it comes to fixing things around the house so I don’t really know why in the world our mom asked him to come over and take a look at her air conditioning system for her the other day when it stopped working. My brother is the last person on earth that I would ask to come and fix my A/C unit for me, but I guess my mom doesn’t really have anyone else to ask other than an HVAC professional. When I told her that she should have just gone ahead and called the HVAC company instead, she gave me a mean, withering look. She always says that I should give my brother more credit, but I know for a fact that he is as dumb as a rock when it comes to fixing things around the house. She knows this too, but I think she is in denial about the fact that he doesn’t know how to do anything. I mean, I’m not saying that I do know how to do anything around the house, but I know that I’m probably more of a logical thinker than my brother is. Anyway, he came over and looked at the air conditioning system and the only thing that he did was make sure that it was plugged in. We ended up having to call the HVAC company anyway to make an appointment for my mom since the house wasn’t cooling off correctly. We could have saved some time by calling the HVAC company in the first place.



air vent

I hope the new HVAC system will be installed by the time they go back

I found out that they are going to be installing new HVAC systems in the schools all over the county this summer while classes are out for the summer.

I am really hoping that they are able to get the commercial HVAC companies to come and install the new HVAC systems in the school before classes start back early in the fall.

Around here, the weather doesn’t even start cooling off until the middle of October most of the time. It just gets way too hot for these kids to be sitting inside of a stuffy old building with terrible ventilation systems. Most of the classrooms don’t even have duct work in them! The schools around here are really old, and they could all use some renovations, that’s for sure. I think that doing an HVAC system renovation is a great idea. I feel like it should have been done years ago, but I guess I should not complain about it. At least they are getting around to it this summer. That’s what they say anyway. You know how it goes with school boards and government agencies. You just never know if things are going to get done within the time frame that they are promised! I know that the HVAC company that they hired for this job is supposed to be a really great one. It’s one of the only commercial HVAC companies in our county, but it’s also the best one. I think that they will be able to get the job done right. Hopefully, it will all work out before school starts back.
Commercial HVAC for sale

My dad wants a new air conditioner

For his birthday this year, my dad told us that he wants to get a new air conditioner.

My dad never says anything at all to give us a hint about anything that he might want for a gift, whether it’s for his birthday, for Christmas, or otherwise. I guess that he is just one of those guys who thinks that you should be able to guess what he wants. That’s not ever good for me, though. I don’t ever really know what to get for people when they have a birthday or if I need to get them something for another reason. I’m not good at buying gifts, that’s for sure. My sister is the same way. So whenever our dad gave us a hint about what he might want for his birthday this year, we both definitely sat up and paid attention.He mentioned the fact that his central air conditioning system was on the blink and that he was gonna have to look into getting a new one sometime soon. Whenever he said that, the wheels in my sister’s head started turning, and right then, I knew that we were going to have to pitch in and get him a new air conditioning system for his birthday gift. We are going to try to surprise him with the new air conditioning system, though. I don’t know how we are going to be able to pull off a surprise of this magnitude, but we are definitely going to try. I think that it will be awesome if we are able to get the HVAC company to come and install a new central air conditioning for my dad without him even knowing that it’s coming! It will be the birthday surprise of a lifetime.



We finally have the time and money to put the addition on our house

We have been living in the same house for 15 years now, and we’ve always talked about putting an addition onto it because we have always needed the extra space. However, up until now we have never had the time nor the money to do the work. Right now, though, somehow the stars have aligned and now we have both the time and the financial means to finally put the addition onto the house. So, we are going to try and get it done this summer. We have already been talking to a general contractor and to an HVAC contractor about it. I don’t know exactly how we are going to get everything done before the weather starts cooling off, but we are certainly going to try. One of the things that I have been the most worried about when it comes to the addition is that we won’t be able to get the heating and cooling system figured out. I know that adding a lot of extra space to the house will affect the way the air conditioning and the heating work most of the time. So I want to make sure that we aren’t going to accidentally shoot ourselves in the foot, so to speak. I know that the heating and cooling system that works just fine right now might not work so well whenever we have another 800 square feet to heat and cool. It’s just one of those things that we are going to have to be careful about now that we are working on the house. I think that it will be great once we get everything finished, but doing it is going to be stressful.


heating and air conditioning

They had to close my favorite coffee shop today because the HVAC system is torn up

The HVAC system at my favorite coffee shop is torn up right now, and they had to close the place down today for repairs.

  • They said that they don’t know how long it’s gonna take, but I hope it is not a very long time.

I usually go to this coffee shop every single morning after I go to the gym to wind down before I have to go work for the day. It’s really one of my favorite places to hang out and I really love it there. I like the way that they have a gas log fireplace on one side of the eating area and the way that they have the whole place decorated. Not only that, but I love their blueberry scones and their vanilla lattes. They are really one of the best places around for coffee and for snacks. Anyway, I was pretty upset whenever I found out that they were going to have to close down to have air conditioning repairs done. Just the thought of having to go somewhere else for coffee in the mornings stresses me out. I am really a person who likes my routines to stay the same every single day. I guess I should be happy that they care enough about their indoor air quality to actually get it fixed this early in the season, though. Some people would just let the air quality get worse and worse while they wait around for the weather to start cooling off. I guess closing down for a little while now to get the A/C worked on is better than waiting for everything to tear up later on in the summer.

Air conditioning corporation

I told my wifey that both of us could heat the pool with solar panels

My wifey was gleeful about getting a swimming pool until our initial budgets started to get surpassed about halfway through the entire project.

  • It’s not that I didn’t have enough money in savings to finish the work, however it wasn’t money that was allocated for those purposes.

That puts us at a deficit for emergencies if they ever arise in the future, love they inevitably do. I had to accept overtime offers at work just to take in enough currency to handle the fees plus expenses regarding the pool that both of us weren’t initially expecting. I started to fear the worst until our corporation told us that the work was nearly complete. They provided to throw in a water gas furnace for the pool for free because they fell behind schedule by several weeks. My wifey was anxious about the electricity costs that come with heating pool water, however I assured her that both of us could get solar panels to put on the roof of the home as soon as both of us could afford them. That way the solar panels can absorb sunlight during the day to charge sizable batteries that power the pool’s water heater. You can have a heated pool in the Winter time separate from spending an arm plus a leg to power the heater. The radiant energy from the sun is free after you’ve recuperated the cost of the solar panels. I’m hoping that we’ll be able to afford the solar panels for the pool’s water gas furnace by next year. After finally getting a swimming pool, it will be really nice to have the option to heat it as well.

Cooling industry

I quit leaving my windows open at home after construction started in the neighborhood

Before all of this construction started on my side of town, I loved peace plus quiet most days, as the road noise was minimal since both of us are in a neighborhood separate from any thru-streets for town traffic.

As such, I would sit outside for hours of my workday with my laptop so I wasn’t forced to work from inside the house.

But all of this constant home construction in the section has changed that. First of all, the noise is unbearable. I hear circular saws plus nail guns at 7am every single morning. It’s a near-constant barrage of noise until the workmen leave their posts between 5 plus 6pm every evening. That’s when I finally think at ease again, especially since I work from home plus don’t get to escape from the chaos love someone working out of the home would. I used to keep my windows open throughout the daytime plus nighttime hours; in fact, I used to take this for granted going back to my early childhood because my parents did the exact same thing. They didn’t run the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system always, plus instead relied heavily on the cool breezes coming in from outdoors. But since all of this construction started, it has done nothing however put constant heaps of dust plus dirt into the air. I see it collecting on indoor surfaces in a matter of hours if I’ve left the front door open too much coming in plus out with groceries for instance. How do you stay on top of this much dust? And since I’m running the cooling system more with the windows shut, a lot of the dust gets collected in my a/c filter. That means replacing the filters a lot more frequently.

indoor air quality

Heat pumps are incredibly effective at heating in temperatures above 20-30 degrees

There are always several occasions when it comes to current appliances for your house.

I had no system that you could buy a microwave that is also a convection oven, however my mother-in-law has a single.

It’s hard to gauge it respectfully unless you have the guidelines because you’re allowed to put metal in it whenever you’re using the convection cooking setting, however you can’t put in metal while using the microwave setting. As long as you follow the guidelines carefully, this component is a great option for quick cooking. They easily outperform toaster ovens considerably. If I needed a current microwave plus wanted to spend the money, I’d easily buy a single of these combo ovens. Recently I l received that there are several occasions with indoor heating as well. You don’t just need a central furnace with an electric heating coil or a fan-forced furnace powered by oil or gas. Some might guess that a steam boiler furnace would be another option, however it doesn’t end there. Heat pump technology has been around for generations, however the heat pumps used in homes are improving all of the time. If you want to heat your home at temperatures above 20 degrees, they’re quite possibly the most efficient furnaces that consumers have access to. I love my heat pump plus I don’t have to worry about turning on the gas furnace unless temperatures get exceptionally cold. Living in the southwest, there aren’t too various mornings with temperatures below 15 degrees. Often lows will bottom out at 30 degrees plus occasionally we’ll get a light snowfall, however nothing crazy.


heating and cooling