I think that group fitness classes are is the best

I have devoted my Sundays to being the best afternoons of the week.

  • I let myself sleep in as late as I want.

Then I then get up and make myself a real big brunch. I get to cheat on my diet for this one afternoon each week. I make myself scrambled eggs with cheese, toast and even some bacon or sausage. After that I take the time to scrub a room in my house. I then catch up on a bit of my studying and then it is high time for my fitness class. I do a once a week fitness class and I just love it. The group fitness class is led by a personal trainer and she is amazing. The class begins with a whole group warming up and doing stretches. The people I was with and I then do partner drills with weighted balls, poles or even the battle ropes. Then the class ends with us toiling on our individualized goals. I am toiling my hardest to cut fat around my middle. So correctly the trainer has me doing intense cardio activities like running on the treadmill, jumping rope or kneeling on a stationary bike. Occasionally I will do ab exercises. I don’t mind eating unhealthily in the afternoon of my class because it is such an intense workout. I love how warm and sleepy I get after class ends. I also believe totally refreshed when I am done. After the class I head condo and enjoy a fun motion picture on the couch. I usually make a heavy meal and believe no guilt over the good exercise I got. It is such a good afternoon for me every week.

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