The library books that gave me my career

They just had a fan and a tiny little window air conditioning unit.

I used to go to the library in the summer a lot when I was a kid. I lived on the east coast at the time, and while being down the shore at my grandparents’ house, there was this library in town that I used to ride my bike to all the time. The library was a great place to go on a really hot summer day because they had some really great central air conditioning in there. I would sit in this one private kind of room in the back of the library and just read and do research on different things while I was just enjoying the central air conditioning! Back at my grandparents’ house they did not have central air conditioning. They just had a fan and a tiny little window air conditioning unit. So going to the library to feel the air conditioning was a real treat! All of these summer trips to the library actually ended up leading to the career I have today. I love researching things, and somehow I ended up reading a ton of things about the heating and air conditioning business. I guess it was that great air conditioning in the library that even made me do this. But to make a long story short, all of this reading on HVAC technology and related made me end up going to HVAC school to become a certified heating and air conditioning specialist! And that is what I do for a living today 35 years later! I love my career.

Heating repair