Poor choice of color

Today I learned a very valuable lesson when it comes to letting my husband choose a color.

I was headed out of town on a business trip and we were right in the middle of redecorating the den.

I had already picked the paint color and thought that I could trust him to pick the furniture. All he had to do was choose a couch and matching chair that would go with the tan color on the walls. I left feeling like I would come home to my newly painted and decorated den. I have now learned that I can never trust his judgment on this issue again. I walked into the den expecting to see furniture that may have been a shade of brown, green, or even tan, not all three of these. Left to his own accord he decided to have the furniture custom covered in camouflage. Yes, that is what I said, and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. He also purchased a few pieces that made me feel as though I had walked into a hunting cabin instead of my own den. Why would anyone pay extra to have a couch and chair upholstered with camouflage fabric. I get it if you went to the store and told them you were decorating a cabin in the woods but not for a person’s home. It was too late to do anything about it so I have contacted a decorator to have slipcovers made to cover them up. I will be glad when they arrive and I don’t have to look at this ugly stuff anymore.

Tuscan territorial