Adding insulation will fix the AC issue

My girl then will have to take it apart, scrub it plus deduce if there is a repair.

My girl bought a rental property plus that is all she wants to talk about; Unfortunately her property is a total hunk of junk. She has to make a lot of high-priced repairs. In order to save money, she is doing it himself. The biggest issue is that the roof with the lake house has pitiful amounts of insulation, then apparently the air from outside can leak into the lake house easily. In the Winter time it is chilly frigid plus in the summer time it is sweltering. Since it is September, most people has been complaining to him about the a/c not working well. My girl thinks if she fixes the insulation, the AC will be fine, then right now all the air the cooling proposal produces is leaking outside. How can the a/c expect to achieve the temperature control setting? Right now the occupants are dealing with 78 degree indoor temperatures. It is easy to blame the AC for not working right. I am hoping that after the lake lake house becomes air tight the cooling proposal can achieve whole lake lake house temperature control. If not, the occupants are right plus the AC proposal is the problem. My girl then will have to take it apart, scrub it plus deduce if there is a repair. She might even need to call a professional cooling contractor to supply it some love. Who knows though, but perhaps the issue is more simple than I assume it is. Maybe the September weather is unusually tepid plus no cooling proposal can keep up with it. So adding new insulation plus cooling tune up is not necessary.


Cooling workman