Air conditioner refrigerant leak

I sure do love air conditioning. You tend to get a healthy appreciation for it where I live. The year is almost entirely characterized by warm and humid weather, with a bit of precious relief during certain seasons, such as fall and winter. We barely ever need our heating systems, at least I feel that we don’t, because winter weather can often be delightful in comparison to the heat that we usually experienced during most of the rest of the year. That’s why I was a little concerned a couple months ago with my air conditioning unit stopped producing cool air. I mean, that is the one thing that it’s supposed to be doing, right? I noticed that it was a gradual decline. At one time, the air was pretty cool, and then it became a little less cool, and then there was a whisper of coolness, and then it became downright tepid. It got to the point where I could not stand not getting cool air from my A/C any longer, so I called out an HVAC technician to help me. I was concerned that the service call in the repair was going to be expensive, but I was resolved to pay any price to fix my A/C unit! Thankfully, the problem was nothing more than a refrigerant leak, and overall, the cost of bringing my air conditioning unit back up to 100% wasn’t that bad. It was a good thing too, because the hot weather was just beginning to start, and I needed my precious air conditioning for relief!

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